"A session with Wil is a commitment to honour the true essence of who you are. He is a master of weaving the layers of sound, Reiki energy and the wisdom of Shamanic Practice to support profound healing. His drumming is so powerful it will take you precisely where you need to go. The shift that occurs from his nurturing sessions are life changing and opens you to the possibilities that are within."
Libby (Individual sessions)
“I’m writing this to say thank you. You have changed my life dramatically. I started meditating more frequently again last week and I’m feeling refreshed again. This is a short note to say thank you and that I really mean it!” (Young client dealing with ADHD)
Many thanks for a fabulous session of sound therapy. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it. I felt deeply, deeply relaxed and yet I was also aware of myself and of the energies swirling and rising within me. As a result, I felt deeply relaxed and highly uplifted at the same time. I felt wonderful during and after the session. I remained in an uplifted state for the rest of the day. I am sure I will be back for another wonderful session with you before too long!
Pamposh (Individual session)
"Thank you Will for a profound and deeply relaxing sound healing/reiki session."
Encouraged by Wil I went into the session setting an intention - in my case to overcome anxieties related to making some important and potentially life changing decisions that I was facing.
Soon after Will started the session skillfully using tibetan sound bowls of various frequencies, I fell into a deep trance and a memorable and fascinating journey began.
Various regions of my body where addressed by Wil’s purposefully directed energy work as I was floating through an aural landscape. His sound work triggered strong emotional and at times physical responses. The journey led me through this rich world of sound and patterns of color emerging from all sides. At different stages I was “encountering" various people that mattered in my life present and past. I felt a strong emotional connection to them and gained a deeper understanding of their role and importance in my life.
I came away from this treatment deeply relaxed, more emotionally balanced, full of creative energy and definitely more ready to move forward in my decisions. I recommend Wil’s work wholeheartedly and am looking forward to continue the journey.
Gunther (Individual session)
"I was lucky enough to experience two sessions with Wil. I had no prior experience with sound healing, although being a musician, I was aware and curious to experience it. Wil tailored the experience since he knew I was a musician, so he let me play the drum with him at the beginning.
The start of the session alone is extremely therapeutic and helped me release some tension and anxiety I'd be carrying around. It also helped me establish a bond and trust in Wil and his process and ability.
The sound session is a wonderful sensory experience and was probably my favorite part. It is like taking a bath in sound, and you get to relax and let the vibrations do all the work. I am extremely grateful for Wil and his ability to heal through his gift of sound. At times I felt that he was a magician because sound was coming from all angles around me.
The most profound moment was immediately afterward, and the weeks following, where I felt as if I spent weeks in a monastery, meditating deeply. I felt very centered and balanced, thoughts and focus came more naturally. This couldn't have come at better time, as I was about to relocate countries and have been very stressed with founding a startup and living the past 2 years without a solid home base.
My sessions with Wil helped prepare my subconscious and inner state for the challenges to come. From this state I am much better prepared to go to battle and focus on the things I need to accomplish! I now try to use sound healing myself by singing in the shower- haha! Wil advised that we all have the power to heal ourselves :)
Adam (Individual session)
I would full-heartedly, without reservation, recommend Soul Oasis to anyone.
"On October 15th 2016, I commissioned Wil Kolen to give a presentation on sound healing at Silpakorn University in Bangkok, including a session of group sound therapy. It was my first sound healing session but it is difficult to focus entirely on the therapy session itself because, as with any person unfamiliar with sound healing, I had many questions. Prior to our session, Wil gave a short lecture on the inner (and outer) workings of sound therapy. He provided enough knowledge to quell even the ultra curious and skeptical mind.
As a sound designer and musician, I began the session deeply listening and analyzing the sounds. I did not find this instantly relaxing but rather an interesting opportunity to dissect the highly organic and pleasing nature of Wil’s sounds. Eventually, as with most meditation and rest, there was an undefined transition, a moment when I lost sense of listening; I was simply there surrounded by sound.
Wil’s gentle yet experienced movements were transferred directly to my body. I began to feel parts of my body resonate in response to the sounds and Wil knowingly began to work through different areas of tension throughout my body. It began as a tingling sensation at my core but by the end of our session I felt my entirety in harmony with itself. The session has had lasting effects on me and was at first a feeling you relate to a very good massage but unlike massage where your muscles feel relieved I felt change in even the very tips of my hair. In the days after I had several friends asked me if something had happened because I seemed much more vivacious than usual.
Wil has a special way with sound that is unlike all the musicians and producers I have met in my career, and I believe it truly goes beyond just sound as Wil’s personality and presence is comforting in itself. I felt safe and at ease when in his presence and I highly recommend his work to anyone interested in the healing potential of sound."
Tommy (Group session)
"Yesterday was one of the most powerful healing experiences I have ever had! Among the various healing practitioners I have met over the past decade, Wil is one of the most unique and powerful. Wil combines a very unique shamanic power and knowledge of throat singing and sound healing modalities. I felt immediately relaxed and started diving deep, seeing colours and images, ‘feeling’ sounds and vibrations working in a very special way on my body and resonating inside me deeply. I had a lot of muscle tension, especially on my right shoulder which was hurting a lot. When I came out of the session I felt very relaxed with no muscle tension left and a big sense of peace. Thank you Wil!"
Lily (individual session).
"Thank you so much for facilitating last Sunday's sound meditation.
It's been a beautiful and uplifting experience! Before attending, I was feeling stuck in some areas of my life and afterwards, I felt things have shifted and I could move forward, it was amazing. I also find myself having more energy! Before that, I needed to drink coffee almost everyday or else by early evening, I'll feel too tired to go on (I'm a mom with a very active kid). But that's changed now and I hardly drank coffee the last few days. It's incredible! I also experienced some movements in my left arm (gentle rolling from left to right) and even my feet too."
Ruth (group session).
"Thank you Wil for a wonderfully restorative sound session. It's nice how you brought our awareness to the effect of modern-day noise pollution, and the nurturing, healing effect of silence and healing vibrations from the cosmos. I read your blog (again) and found your personal journey into the healing powers of sound intriguing. I feel words can't do justice to the experiential, vibrational and positive quality of the sound journey. Thank you for this! Looking forward to the next energy exchange again!"
Jian Yuan (group session).
"I have experienced several sessions with Wil, both sound healing and Reiki, in a group setting and individually. I always felt a deep sense of relaxation and wellbeing and came out of the sessions feeling more positive. Wil’s concern and caring and desire to help the person he is working with is very obvious and his intuition is sometimes surprising. Sound healing was new to me and I found the energy in the group sessions very powerful; I left feeling much more focussed and positive." Catherine (individual and group session).
"The singing bowl session with Wil was first very subtle and the sounds & resonance seemed not so significant. But after one or two days the shift started to take place. I’m a practitioner using a set of bio sonic forks to do healing by vibrating the 12 meridians. I started to realize that the multiple layers of sound and resonance are the key. Wil could master with his meditative mind to tune in with the client’s chakras and vital energies. He has those keys in his hands to open the remarkable shifts during his healing session."
Mutsumi (individual session).
“Dear Wil, Thank you for the sound healing session yesterday. I feel much lighter and experience less constriction around my chest and throat already. Being a musician in training myself (Classical singing), I continuously explore modes of release, mind and body connection.”
Stefan (group session).
"I LOVED the journey! It brought up a lot of emotion for me and sent me into a very ethereal place… I was definitely on a journey and soaked in the vibrations for the rest of the evening and even into the following day. The journey is so profound and so deep that I personally wanted to come out very, very slowly…"
Amber (group session).
"With his calm and serene manner he leads you on an incredible, individual sound journey, getting lost in time and space as well as feeling the healing energies in every single sound wave he creates. I also felt charged with positive, life enhancing energy which lasted for the next days to come."
Lukas (individual session).
"I could feel a very intense vibration go through my body from my base chakra upwards, which was very relaxing and comforting while at the same time I was releasing a lot through ongoing body movements. I never experienced such intense relaxation and release during a sound healing session."
Yen-Lu (group session)