Hello, I am Wil Kolen :)
I'm born in Holland and have lived and worked in Singapore since 1995, first as senior designer in a corporate environment and eventually became one of the founding business partners in Singapore based design firm Chemistry. I chose to end that journey about around 2012, after which I first started traveling. Once back, a start was made in studying and developing a healing and transformative format of various sound and energy based modalities like Sound Meditation, drumming circles, Reiki and Shamanic practice.
Musically and intuitively inclined at a very young age, starting off as a drummer boy at age 2.5, my journey as practitioner developed after the passing of my mother in 2005 (read here). This event created the opening to a different life journey, which stimulated me to become a Reiki Master in 2011, and shortly after also a certified Sound Therapist (Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute, SF), Shamanic Practitioner (FSS) and Lecturer/Coach.
I believe in 100% authenticity and honesty in my life and practice, to build trust and understanding. All that I practice is partially based on my personal life journey, and rooted in my innate ability to connect with people and energies through the creative source; my Inner Rhythm and life experience through music, creative expression and intuitive connection.
My intention and purpose has become clear over time and through various life lessons; to be of service to this world, offering support to people and all sentient beings, to strengthen and grow a harmonious unity and connection between humans, while embracing the nurturing elements of nature and Mother Earth.
Initially, Soul Oasis started with the intention to develop a creative centre for kids, based on the theme ‘Nurturing Your Inner Rhythm’. Over time, and through my traveling and advanced training in mentioned practice, a new orientation developed. ‘Nurturing Your Inner Rhythm’. became the resonance for a revised life theme and guide for all to start a new journey based on trust in self, naturally connected to the creative vibration and energy of sound and rhythm.
We are still connected to our childhood, our innate connection to this world, although life has taken most of us in a different direction. 'Nurturing your Inner Rhythm' is for adults and the young; to reconnect and stay your course here.
In general, my practices follow a sequential flow of awareness-understanding-acceptance-change. This sequence of personal adaptation forms the basis for the natural and supportive journey for personal strengthening on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level. Everything at your own pace and whenever you're ready.
I consider myself very fortunate to be able to do all I truly enjoy in life and being connected to others at this level. Besides my work through Soul Oasis, other activities I engage in part time lecturing at NAFA (BA degree course Digital Media and Diploma course Digital Sound and Music), creation of music, some design work, photography, writing and reading, while leaving some time for daydreaming and journeying :)