A Group Sound Meditation session and/or Private session stimulates and re-balances on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level, releasing blockages and addressing symptoms like stress, anxiety, tenseness, sleeplessness, migraine and headaches, body aches, physical discomfort and (chronic) pain, being unfocused or feeling depressed.
Private Sound Therapy sessions address personal and deeper lying core issues like trauma or other life challenges and professional challenges. These sessions are often combined with Reiki and Shamanic Practice elements.
As a sound therapist with 12 years of experience, I have been asked frequently about the benefits of sound meditation for corporate environments. Especially during this time of change new stressors have shown up in life and work. The responses during and after conducting corporate sessions give clear evidence of the positive effects that one hour of regular sound meditation can bring to the work floor and into a person's private life. It will induce great relaxation, calm and focus, new energy and building resilience. The nurturing of a calm enhanced professional mental and emotional state will benefit both the employees as well as the employer.
As a lecturer I recognise an increased level of anxiety amongst students and full time staff. Especially during this time of change, the recent Covid period and general outlook in life, young people are having a hard time coping with the stresses in life on top of their study work. Regular sound meditation brings calm and focus into their mind space, enhancing their coping mechanism and resilience.
Hands On Skin drumming. Immerse yourself into hand played rhythms and allow your mind to tap into a calming yet activating meditative state. No playing abilities necessary to participate in this group session. Naturally create a collaborative mix of rhythms using hand drums. It's a great way to relax, energise and regain focus.
Rejuvenate your partnership as a couple through a soothing Sound Meditation session together with your loved one. The session will offer the release of tension and stress on an individual basis while working through loving intention to strengthen the bond of togetherness, intimacy and the ability to support each other and family members.
The use of Reiki energy flow is a non-invasive, calming and gentle way of working with the body for relief of ailments and discomfort, physical pain and stress related issues like problems with relaxation, sleep, focus or concentration. In general it is a wonderful soothing relaxation method to restore and rejuvenate.
Working through the universal connections of nature, ancestors and dreams we are able to move deeper into various states of change and address specific aspects of ourselves that have remain stuck for a long time.
Especially in these ongoing times of change, I am offering online sessions to lighten existing lingering issues and to support the strengthening your mental and emotional state.
Upon request, you can receive distant healing to attend to specific aspects related to physical, mental or emotional challenges.
As a musician and sound practitioner, I am sharing original music and prerecorded sound journeys that can be listened to in the comfort of your home. The sound journeys are of high sound quality and have proven to be of great effect to anyone connecting to it.
Though we are aware that our body receives sound vibrations via our ears, we also receive sound through our skin and body tissue. Sound travels as energy through the nervous system that is connected to our vital organs, activating tissue and cells at a molecular level and stimulating our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state.
When we become internally ‘dehydrated’ from vital positive stimulating energy, our system requires a review and balancing of our internal sound and vibration. Nurturing your inner rhythm the natural way.
Sound Meditation stimulates and re-balances on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, releasing blockages and addressing symptoms like stress, anxiety, tenseness, sleeplessness, migraine and headaches, body aches, physical discomfort and (chronic) pain, being unfocused or feeling depressed.
A Sound Meditation session can be experienced in a group setting or as a private session. Both session types address our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state and while both session types will result in a calming meditative experience, the approach is different. A group session will connect to a more general intention to be addressed, while a private session aims to resolve a specific core issue you would like to resolve which can be related to trauma or disruptive life events that show up as symptoms like stress, migrane etc.
In both cases, intention is used to create a pathway for sound to connect to our emotional and mental state, enabling an enhanced balance for performance, outlook in life, career path and personal well-being.
Sound Meditation is usually experienced as a calming and relaxing lying down meditation. Some people even fall asleep. Depending on one’s personal state, the connection with sound will address long-held resistance to change or blockages that are now being removed. The release of blockages can be felt through involuntary movements and physical responses, receiving visuals, colours and hearing specific sounds.
A Sound Meditation session is an initiation into a state of change. The outcome will usually be a rejuvenated, calming re-balanced feeling of a re-set that can linger for a few days, triggering a changed approach to living, working, personal habits, general well-being and empowerment.
In a private session, coaching will be part of the guidance before and after the session.
A private Sound Journey is based on the needs of the individual and addresses the core challenge(s) to be dealt with, at physical, mental or emotional level. Often times, mental and emotional blockages exist at the root of symptoms like stress, anxiety, feeling tense, sleeplessness, headaches, body aches and discomfort, being unfocused, self esteem issues, depression or feeling depressed, ADHD, trauma and other life challenges.
Everyone is different and everyone will have a different response to this process. You will be able to move through changes at your own pace, whenever you're ready.
Coaching based on discovery, intention and experience will be part of the guidance before and after the session.
Group Sound Meditation for corporate environments takes the same approach as described under the 'Sound Meditation' chapter above. Group Sound Meditation sessions for employees and management are a great way to find relief from the new stresses that have entered the daily working environment.
A 1-hour session supports emotional and mental resilience, calming and relaxing the mind and body. The sessions will help to regain focus on work, and lightness in life that is required for a balanced work-life and working environment. In the days after the session most participants will experience a better sleep and feeling more rested in the morning.
Unknowingly, manyemployees have built up stress levels that have become the 'new normal' but are actually unsustainable for a healthy emotional, mental and physical balance. Prolonged emotional and mental discomfort, eventually can lead to physical ailments that originate from a mental/emotional imbalance. We can start adjusting this through sound meditation/therapy. Paying attention to mental and emotional well-being will reduce the impact on a physical level and enhance general well-being.
What I often witness during sound meditation sessions is the sleeping sounds (read snoring) of many participants. This is an indicator of the great need for complete relaxation participants are craving for. Overall, this Sound Meditation experience has lead to more requests from employees and HR to engage with Sound Meditation as a method for relaxation and mental and emotional rejuvenation at school.
The sessions can be held at your office in a quiet space, large enough to hold a group of 20-30 (or depending on requested group size) participants lying down. Seated sessions are possible but not ideal for an optimal experience.
Group Sound Meditation for educational environments takes the same approach as described under the 'Sound Meditation' chapter above. Group Sound Meditation sessions for students and for staff are a great way to find relief from the new stresses that have entered the education/teaching environment.
A 1-hour session supports emotional and mental resilience, calming and relaxing the mind and body. The sessions will help to regain focus on work, study and lightness in life that is required for a balanced student life and teaching environment. In the days after the session most participants will experience a better sleep and feeling more rested in the morning.
Unknowingly, many students and staff have built up stress levels that have become the 'new normal' but are actually unsustainable for a healthy emotional, mental and physical balance. Especially amongst students there is a rapid incline in emotional and mental discomfort, which eventually can lead to suicidal tendencies, which is a worrying development. Besides that, when we become aware that most physical ailments originate from a mental/emotional imbalance, we can start adjusting this through sound meditation/therapy. Paying attention to mental and emotional well-being will reduce the impact on a physical level and enhance general well-being.
What I often witness during sound meditation sessions is the sleeping sounds (read snoring) of many participants. This is an indicator of the great need for complete relaxation that students and staff are craving for. Overall, this Sound Meditation experience has lead to more requests from students and staff to engage with Sound Meditation as a method for relaxation and mental and emotional rejuvenation at school.
The sessions can be held at school in a quiet space, large enough to hold a group of 20-30 participants lying down. Seated sessions are possible but not ideal for an optimal experience.
Hands On Skin drumming circle intends to connect you to basic hand played rhythms. No drumming experience required; basic instructions will be given and off you go!
The inter-connection within a group of drummers creating rhythm patterns can become a meditative event, delivering on smiling faces, release of tenseness, stress or anxiety while offering relaxation and focus.
- Drumming releases endorphins, enkephalins and Alpha waves in the brain, which are at the basis of general feelings of well-being and euphoria.
- Induces deep relaxation and reduces stress related symptoms.
- Supports pain management by the natural release of chemicals in our brain.
- As sound therapy does, it boosts your immune system
- creates a sense of connection within group participation.
- Connects your body and mind to nature and our natural relationship with rhythm (see below).
- When in meditative state, we move into a higher sense of being, or be spiritually connected.
- Releases negative feelings
- Brings you into the 'now', present moment.
- Is transformational as a personal creative source.
Our hearing mechanism is one of the earlier developments while in fetal state. The heartbeat of your mother would be the first rhythmic pattern you would connect to. That heartbeat rhythm is also the vibration you connect to before hearing and after birth; it is a recognizable rhythm, which comforts the baby or child and connects to safety and calm. Rhythm is a natural phenomenon; it appears in the rhythm of the waves of sea, ripples in water, sounds of nature like crickets and calls of birds, wind, the seasonal changes and moon changes are part of a universal rhythm. All is connected through rhythm and vibration, from atoms to galaxies. And you as a human in between. Rhythm is part of our life source and also shapes our day, our mental and emotional state.
When connecting to rhythm, some may feel like moving your body, others may remain calm and unaffected. Research has given evidence that an early connection to rhythm is important for brain development, has a positive effect on learning and a positive effect on our mental state when dealing with stress, anxiety, or lack of focus.
Research in drumming finds enhancing neurological changes in people who play drums. Children exposed to rhythm in the earlier stages of life up to the age 10-11 will carry this natural relationship with them for the rest of their lives; it has become an entrainment and natural wiring of the brain during childhood.
For adults its a great way to relax and unwind as it involves physical activity and connection to rhythmic response. Many participants, including kids, experience the drumming as an activating, liberating yet focused meditative event that lingers on for days.
The best way to experience this is to just try it!!
In these times of change, relationships and family circumstances have a higher chance to come under an increased level of stress.
Rejuvenate your partnership as a couple through a soothing Sound Meditation session together with your loved one. The session will offer the release of tension and stress on an individual basis while working through loving intention to strengthen the bond of togetherness, intimacy and the ability to support each other and family members.
Book a 2-hour session or a package of 3x 2-hour sessions to relax and rejuvenate while connecting to- and enhancing the loving origin of the relationship.
A Sound Meditation stimulates and re-balances on a physical, mental and emotional level, releasing blockages and addressing symptoms like stress, anxiety, tenseness, sleeplessness, migraine and headaches, body aches, physical discomfort and (chronic) pain, being unfocused or feeling depressed.
Reiki is a 120 year old Japanese practice, developed by Dr. Usui. This practice makes use of energy flow as a non-invasive, calming and gentle way of working with the body for relief of ailments and discomfort, physical pain and stress related issues like problems with relaxation, sleep, focus or concentration. In general it is a wonderful soothing relaxation method to restore and rejuvenate.
When our energy levels are low or diffused we become sensitive to illness, mental distress and emotional distraction. Most of the time this is caused by simply not taking enough time for ourselves to reflect and calm our mind.
A Reiki session is a calming meditative experience that stimulates and re-balances our challenges on a physical, mental and emotional level and helps remove blockages that are at the basis of physical discomfort.
By using a light touch or moving my hands over your main energy areas, tension will flow out and relaxation and calm will flow in.
Intention is used to create a pathway and connect to our emotional and mental state enabling an enhanced balance for performance and personal well-being.
Reiki is an initiation into a state of change. It is up to the individual how long the effects will become solidified on energetic level. An increased awareness of one’s intention for change, acceptance of personal state and shifts and allowing self-time all play a part in the effectiveness of a Reiki session.
The outcome will be a rejuvenated, calming re-balanced feeling of a re-set that can linger for a few days, triggering a changed approach to living, working, habits and general well-being.
In a personal setting, a brief coaching section will be part of the guidance before and after the session.
Reiki can be sent over distance to support in shifting personal challenges.
The outcome will be a rejuvenated, calming re-balanced feeling of a re-set that can linger for a few days, triggering a changed approach to living, working, habits and general wellbeing.
Reiki classes are available for level 1, 2 and occasionally master level.
Learning Reiki is a great way to start helping yourself and others to ease physical and/or mental discomfort.
A dedicated Reiki text book for guidance and practice will be provided at the start of the class to help you during the learning process and in future practice.
My lineage:
Shamanic practice supports healing work through the universal connections with nature, spirit guides, ancestors and dreams. The main element for this practice is the use of drums, not drugs. 50 years of extensive research by Michael Harner with indigenous cultures around the globe has brought to light specific common aspects of shamanism that allows anyone to enter an altered state and work through personal challenges.
The combination of positive intention, willingness for change and openness in receiving allows for a natural connection to universal information based on theta brainwave entrainment though drumming.
In the context of Shamanism, the connection to information and guidance through 'journeying' is essential for effective change in our reality here. Sessions can offer strengthening through power animal connection, soul portion retrieval and divination that support and allow for a deeper dive into various states of change and address specific aspects that have remain stuck for a long time.
Participants will be guided into a relaxed and meditative flow state, to journey into their subconscious realm and connect to- or receive relevant information to support and initiate strengthening and self healing.