"The power of sound is often subtle and therefore easily ignored. But it is through this subtlety that sound surreptitiously influences our energy, our health, and our entire ability to stay in balance. As with so many kinds of sensory input - food, aroma, sound, image - we have a choice as to how and what we ingest." sound therapy private sound meditation sound healing gongs
We are living in times of change.
Soul Oasis offers sessions, workshops and classes that allow for gentle personal changes to create a calm, relaxed and focused state.
Moving through a journey of deep relaxation through Sound Meditation, Reiki and other modalities stimulates, enhances and strengthens your personal well-being on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
Addressing personal life challenges at their core enables you to release internal conflict, the related stress, discomfort and/or ailments. The gentle yet powerful treatments will allow for shifts to take place through natural well-being, unlock your innate potential, feeling more relaxed, lighter and stronger with a sense of self-love
and re-connect you to the awareness of your personal strength and open to a new sense of self-empowerment.
Awareness, understanding, acceptance, change.
Soul Oasis offering of sessions will stimulate, support and nurture:
Deep relaxation
Mental and emotional well-being
Immune system
Release of Depression
Healthy sleep
Release of physical discomfort
Release of Headaches
Release of ADHD symptoms
Strengthening and re-balancing of relationship
and more
Sign up to for the mailing list and receive regular updates.
Musically and intuitively inclined at a very young age, my journey as practitioner developed slowly and carefully after the passing of my mother in 2005 (read here). This event created the opening to a different life journey, which stimulated me to become a Reiki Master, certified Sound Therapist (Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute, SF), Shamanic Practitioner (FSS) and Lecturer/Coach, besides being a Creative, Lecturer/Coach and Musician.
My practice is rooted in my innate ability to support personal change by addressing emotional, mental, physical and spiritual challenges in one’s life journey.
My intention is to be of service to this world, offering support to people and all sentient life, to strengthen and grow a harmonious unity as humans, while embracing the nurturing elements of nature and Mother Earth.
In these times of ongoing change, relationships and family circumstances have a higher chance to come under an increased level of stress.
Rejuvenate your partnership as a couple through a soothing Sound Meditation session together with your loved one.
The session will offer the release of tension and stress on an individual basis while working through loving intention to strengthen the bond of togetherness, intimacy and the ability to support each other and family members.
Book a 2-hour session or a package of 3x 2-hour sessions to relax and rejuvenate while connecting to- and enhancing the loving origin of the relationship.
An interview conducted by popular radio personality and DJ Simon Lim for ONE FM 91.3 station of SPH Radio in Singapore.
Simon created the podcast series 'The sensitive man' where people share their passion, connections and love for life.
In this interview I am sharing the 'why' and 'how' in sound therapy plus insights in my personal history leading to my work as practitioner.
You find more recorded sound journeys for listening in your personal environment on Soul Oasis-Rhythm Sound cloud website.
Please use headphones for listening.
Wil Kolen is a listed teacher on Insight Timer App.
New Sound Meditations will be available on a regular basis.
Please use headphones for listening.
Among the various healing practitioners I have met over the past decade, Wil is one of the most unique and powerful. Wil combines a very unique shamanic power and knowledge of throat singing and sound healing modalities.
Lily (individual session).
"Apart from your amazing talent with sound, I've noticed that you have a natural way of connecting people to their own connection with spirit. You help guide and bring that out.
It's not an easy task but one that comes naturally to you."
Libby (participant observation at group session)
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it. I felt deeply, deeply relaxed and yet I was also aware of myself and of the energies swirling and rising within me.
Pamposh (Individual session)
"I was lucky enough to experience two sessions with Wil. I had no prior experience with sound healing, although being a musician, I was aware and curious to experience it. Wil tailored the experience since he knew I was a musician, so he let me play the drum with him at the beginning.
Adam (Individual session)